The NOTGAMES FEST is an alternative games program to the mainstream events in Cologne taking place mid-August. The event is highly inspired by the NOTGAMES idea of Belgian interactive artists Tale of Tales and hosted by the Cologne Game Lab - Institute for Game Development and Research at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

Heart piece to the festival is its unique approach to the public (dis)play of games. Entering the exhibition ground´s 360° meta experience, visitors are taken right into the magic that lies within each of the selected games waiting to be played.

Find us at:

Fachhochschule Köln
Cologne Game Lab
Schanzenstraße 28
51063 Köln

Public transport:

From Kölnmesse:
Metro line U4 (destination Bocklemünd),
exit at Von-Sparr-Str. Station
then follow signs to the festival.

From Köln main station:
Metro line 18 (destination Buchheim Herler Str.),
exit at Wiener Platz.
Metro line 4 (destination Bocklemünd),
exit at Von-Sparr-Str. Station
then follow signs to the festival.